After COP26: managers discuss climate targets online Our challenge Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, the originally planned two-day face-to-face event with just under 130 managers has to be held as a much shorter online version for safety reasons. The content...
Stadtwärme FM – online radio in sound and vision over three days Our challenge The Employee Days for all employees of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin, which take place every two years over two days, are to be realized as an online version for the first time in 2021. The...
Now you’re getting warmer! Making the day for seven hundred staff Our challenge Vattenfall Wärme Berlin – which generates heating energy for Berlin – is a key driver of the city’s economy and a long-established partner of its municipal government. Every two years, the...
Activating global networks, shaping the future of energy Our challenge For the fourth time, the innogy Innovation Hub arranged an annual ‘Unconference’, inviting a large range of participants to this year’s event, at which the company’s large global community would...
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