Five years of inspiranten, and we’re all shiny and new Just in time for our fifth birthday, we rewarded ourselves with a brand new website... After days and weeks of tinkering about, talking things over until we were blue in the face, and drinking quite a few cups of...
Urban gardening and Easter eggs galore Everywhere you look, people are planting. Even those without a garden of their own can contribute to the greening of Berlin, by planting flowers and vegetables in public places. It’s called guerrilla gardening. You can do...
Bobbleize Me! – Inspiration from a bobble hat? Suddenly, bobble hats are everywhere. It almost feels like an invasion. Maybe it’s the cold winter climate, but there are a lot of synonyms for bobble hats in German… Bommelmütze… Plümmelmütze… Pudelhaube… Bommelhaube....
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