Mapping the future of renewable energy

Mapping the future of renewable energy

Mapping the future of renewable energy Our challenge Vattenfall, one of Europe’s leading energy companies, was undergoing a thorough restructuring, including its renewables division, where three departments were to be merged. Seventy top executives from these units...
Intercultural dialogue and change management

Intercultural dialogue and change management

Intercultural dialogue and change management Our challenge A leading European energy company was expanding into Poland, opening new business units in the country. Of course, integration operations would mean dealing with differences in structures and processes, but...
Take to the woods! Executives escape the meeting room

Take to the woods! Executives escape the meeting room

Take to the woods! Executives escape the meeting room Our challenge Fun is the salt of life, a key driver of positive experiences.“A day without a smile is a lost day,” Charlie Chaplin After the merger of a large German bank with a local Berlin bank, processes had to...